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KnockKnock is the Inquiry Service that clients can easily contact about their own concerns.
knockknock.js provides Inquiry Interface to send an inquiry, schedule, or feedback. You can use knockknock.js regardless of frontend frameworks or libraries.

Step 1 : Installation

Please install knockknock.js from NPM. (More about knockknock.js)

npm install knockknock.js

Step 2 : Customization

You can customize Inquiry Modal Component provided by knockknock.js.

import KnockKnock from 'knockknock.js';
const knockknockInquiryComponent = new KnockKnock({
    knockknockAPITicket: 'KnockKnock API Ticket',
    serviceLanguage: 'ENG', // KR or ENG [pick 1]
    serviceTitle: 'Service Name',
    serviceSubTitle: 'Service Explanation OR Contact Explanation',
    useBoxShadow: true, // If the value is true, the component would have a boxShadow.
    inquiryCategoryList: [
            title: "Inquiry Category Title",
            subTitle: "Inquiry Category Explanation",
            textEmoji: "Inquiry Category Text Symbol", // EX) 😁, 📮, 🛠, 📜
            colorName: "blueLight", // blueLight OR orangeLight OR redLight OR greenLight [pick 1]
            inputType: 'short', // short(input) OR long(textarea) [pick 1]
            inputDefaultValue: 'Input Default Value',
            placeHolder: 'Input Placeholder',
            buttonText: 'Text of Input Submit Button',
            needToRespondInquiry: true // If the value is true, the clients should enter their email address.

knockknockInquiryComponent.onOpen(); // Open knockknockInquiryComponent on fullscreen.
knockknockInquiryComponent.onOpen('.class OR #id'); // Open knockknockInquiryComponent inside of the specific parentNode you set.
knockknockInquiryComponent.onClose(); // Close knockknockInquiryComponent.

When you use onOpen(.class OR #id), please set width or max-width(with width:100%) to the parent element.

Step 3 : SSR or SSG

As knockknock.js needs window object, you have to import knockknock.js dynamically in SSR or SSG projects.

// Example of Next.js
const [knockknockInquiryComponent, setKnockknockInquiryComponent] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
    const loadKnockKnock = async() => {
        const { default: KnockKnock } = await import('knockknock.js');
        setKnockknockInquiryComponent(new KnockKnock(inquiryServiceData));
}, []);

    <button onClick={() => {knockknockInquiryComponent?.onOpen()}}></button>

// Example of SvelteKit
    let knockknockInquiryComponent = null;
    onMount(() => {
        const loadKnockKnock = async() => {
            const { default: KnockKnock } = await import('knockknock.js');
            knockknockInquiryComponent = new KnockKnock(inquiryServiceData);

<button on:click={() => knockknockInquiryComponent?.onOpen()}></button>